September 2024
What the heck is atomic state management?
Atomic is not only for design system but also for data management. Discover how to use Jotai, an atomic state management.
Atomic is not only for design system but also for data management. Discover how to use Jotai, an atomic state management.
We always say that the backend is the source of truth. But what if it should not always be the case ? data can also be stored in the front.. Watch the syntax team discuss and show about when and how to store data locally (first).
Every time i see a post about rsc and sql requests inside a component, i always looks at the comments, to always see a lots of people choked by this new RSC pattern. Very often, people don't know that even inside a react component, this code only runs on server. Theo explains very precisely how it works, why it is secure, but also why it is only a pattern for prototyping and other patterns are preferable for production.
Learn how to use tanstack query with your RSC components and how the tool is still pertinent after switching from a CSR to a SSR paradigm.
Another great article from Dominik, the main developer of the tanstack query, about how to manage our cache, and mostly, how and when to invalidate query to refresh datas.
This article not just only cover the use of suspense with tanstack query, but mostly how to use suspense efficiently and not displaying data loader for every data refresh. A must read to improve the UX of your data management in react.
Jotai is a primitive and flexible state management solution for React. Learn how to use it in this tutorial.
How to manage our stores in a react app ? globally or locally ? what is better for DX and performances ? Dominik shares his views on mixing zustand and contexts to reference store globally but store values locally to avoid unnecessary rerenders.
Why and how to use your URLs as state managers.
Have you always wanted to understand how state management libraries work? Here's a tutorial on useSyncExternalStore, the hook that allows external stores.